Saturday, December 5, 2015

The Doodler and an Update

So I know it has been SEVERAL months since I first started my blog and I am really trying to put this into my plans. I want to continue my blog but with all the projects and things that I have go on from day to day, sometimes things get tossed in a corner (much like a work in progress WIP for us knitters and crocheters out there). So I'm jumping back into it with a discussion about my latest project The Doodler. 

So I was looking through Instagram like most days and this hashtag kept popping up in my feed for the doodler. I was captured by its shape and the pattern it was creating and thought it looked a lot like a butterfly wing. I think the design of it is genius. If you don't know what I am talking about here is the link to the pattern so maybe you can jump on the bandwagon too!
This is my progress so far because I and super behind! I got on the bandwagon long after everyone else. So then of course like this blog here, I had to set it down and then work on some other things. I do plan on continuing with my Doodler. The finished project is gorgeous! I wish I could knit faster and focus on one thing at a time. I get distracted. 

If you are curious about the colors I am using. Here is the link to my Ravelry Page. You can send me a friend request on there if you would like. I try to post my progress as it grows. 

So for this week, I have lots of stuff to work on in the shop. I will be finishing up the Harry Potter Kits I put together. I will be listing more after I get caught up on orders. I was really happy with the response I got from the first weekend. I hope they continue to grow in popularity. I will post the surprises inside the kit once they go out to the customers that bought them last week. This was so much fun to create and I love Harry Potter so this was an easy thing to go crazy about for me. 
I love this kit so much! I can't wait to see how everyone likes their packages. 

If you want to keep up with the daily activities at the shop and what ever I post, follow me on Instagram: Heather1787 or the Facebook Page Rude Poodle Yarns 

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog! 

Monday, March 30, 2015

Why "Rude Poodle Yarns"? - About Me

Hi! Welcome to my blog! 

My name is Heather and I am a self taught knitter, crocheter and yarn dyer. I have been knitting for about 3 or 4 years now and I have been crocheting since I was about 10. I have no idea or recollection of who taught me to crochet, but I picked up a hook and some yarn and just knew how. I left crochet for a few years and then picked it up again just before my senior year of high school. Once I had it again, I wasn't going to let it go. I then taught myself to knit in my early 20's and now it has become an obsession. My yarn stash keeps growing and growing. My yarn appetite changed from all things acrylic to lovely wool blends and hand-dyed fibers.

So this leads me to dyeing. I follow other indie dyers on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc) and thought to myself, what could be more rewarding than dyeing something for someone and watching them turn it into something amazing. It makes me feel apart of something bigger. The whole dyeing process intrigues me and watching some fiber, water, and dyes change it into something incredible, which then will go to someone who has great plans for this fiber. A pair of socks, a shawl, a sweater, or maybe just a stuffed animal.

I also hand sew project bags and make stitch markers. I started an Etsy shop a few years back and started selling my crocheted creations and then it changed into making jewelry out of resin. I have since stopped making jewelry and things out of resin, and went back to my fibery roots.

I also bought a spinning wheel last year and have been exploring that as well.

This is not my full-time job, I'm also a Police Officer in a small town in Texas.
 (Crocheted Me!)
(My dad pinning my badge onto me during swearing in)

Knitting and crocheting is my stress reliever from work. I have been in law enforcement for over 5 years and love my career. Being creative has always been a major part of my life and now I get to make things I can share with people all over the world. I also bake, cook, sew, enjoy photography, and paper crafts. I really enjoy the forums on Ravelry and do tea swaps and card swaps.

So to explain the title of the post. Rude Poodle Yarns came from the other part of my life. My family has 4 dogs which are three poodles Mitzi, Violet and Kiva and an english bulldog named Lilie. The name Rude Poodle is in reference to Mitzi. She is an amazing dog, but she definitely believes she is a person and will let you know what she demands, hence the nickname Rude Poodle. Mitzi also has to be anywhere I am, especially when I'm knitting.
My family




So what can you expect from this blog? Lots of yarn, knitting, crochet, spinning, things going on in my life, recipes, my pets and my family.

I hope you will come back and read often!
